We achieve impressive results.

For more than 50 years, in MUNDIAL Impresos, we are passionate about going beyond the usual solutions to satisfy our clients’ requests.

We are a company of national capital with a consolidated experience in the graphic industry, geared towards the quality and excellence of the results. We are a team of persons that have chosen to work in a friendly and professional environment since a longtime.

We focus on leaving a stamp of quality in every productive and commercial detail of the process, and this is how we manage to provide confidence and leave our mark on each work done.

Passion for
what we do

Twice recognized with the highest award. We have won the golden Graph "Theobaldo de Nigris" prize in series magazines of flat press and also the Golden Graph "Theobaldo de Nigris" in full-color magazines.


Our experience and professional solvency allows us to position ourselves as leaders in a highly competitive market. We have our own plant working 24 hours a day that reaches the highest standards of quality in this industry.

Trust without

In MUNDIAL Impresos, we attend the demands of the most important companies in the country, with more than 50 years- lasting commercial relationships. The opening towards new markets such as Uruguay, Brazil, USA, England, among others, allows us to position ourselves as the undeniable leaders of the graphic industry.

Our mission lies on understanding what is under every client’s project in all its magnitude. For us, they are all new challenges and the adrenaline for achieving them is in our ink.

Trust without borders

Commitment with
the teaching

Convinced about the importance of education in our society, we participate in different activities that allow us to transfer our knowledge. Among others things, we collaborate with Gutenberg Foundation, where we help to train graphic professionals, providing tools that contribute to have a better market insertion and to develop the passion for this profession.

We follow security’s standards
With the intention of achieving the whole standardization of the productive graphical process, we are based on a series of rules and profiles that guarantee the maintenance of quality standards, providing security and confidence in our production.

On the one hand, in order to carry out the outlined procedure in the treatment of files and tests color generation during the Pre-impression, we adopt: For illustration papers (couted), the CMYK FOGRA 39 profile or its similar ISO Couted_V2 ECI. For not stuccoes papers, bond types and others, the PSO Uncoated Iso_ 12647 profile.

In relation to the impression process, we use inks whose manufacture responds to ISO 2.841-1 norm. In addition to this, the company is based on the ISO 12.647-2 norm about Lithographic Offset processes standardization, in order to guarantee the establishment of the bands of densities by substratum and percentages of point gain.

On the other hand, in MUNDIAL Impresos we also respond to the Security and Industrial Hygiene Law, No. 19.587, regulatory decree 351/79. Besides, due to the fact that the company is inscribed as a Dangerous Residues generator, we are bases on the No. 24.051 and 2.214 laws about storage and final disposition of such residues.

Finally, and from an environmental point of view, we also answer to all the directives and resolutions of ACUMAR (Authority of La Matanza and Riachuelo’s basin) and APRA (Environmental Protection Agency of the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires).

Cortejarena 1862 - (C1281AAB) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina